Michigan Author Releases Heartwarming Novel about a Loving Father’s Wish for a Son

Rate by Donna Gene Stankey is an engaging and heartwarming novel telling the story of a man, Millie, who wishes to have a boy for his second-born. Although he loves his daughter dearly, he always wanted a boy to continue his passion for farming. He loves his life on the farm and he always thought it would be fulfilling and rewarding if a son would inherit his love of farming.
Millie also thinks that having a son means that he would continue to carry the family name. It would also complete him as a man. To his relief, his wife, Mina, gave birth to a baby boy. A new chapter of their life begins as his dream of having a son came true. He names the boy Rate in honor of his father. Charming and delightful, follow Millie’s journey as another chapter of his family’s life unfolds.
“Rate,” based on the Setterington family from Elsie, Michigan, is an inspiring novel that would surely melt readers’ hearts. The book is a page-turner as readers will get immersed in Millie’s and his family’s life. This is a great read to help ease the loneliness and sadness brought about these trying times. Grab a copy of the book now to let Millie’s story inspire you.
Author Donna Gene Stankey was an aspiring author and a loving, caring, devoted wife. She lived a fulfilling life on her husband’s family farm in Wayland, Michigan. Her life on the farm inspired her to write “Rate.” Before Donna’s death, daughter Ramona Hammell published the novel as a gift to her mother.
Donna Gene Stankey
Paperback | $21.35
E-book | $7.99
Book copies are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online book retailers.