Good River Print and Media respects your privacy and acknowledges the trust that you have given to us with regards to providing us with the information necessary for our engagement. We aim to keep your trust at all times.
Good River Print and Media uses advanced security tools and technologies to keep our website as safe and as secure as possible. These tools and technologies are used to protect an Author’s account information. Your data is stored on secure servers that are not easily accessible from the Internet.
You, the Author, can expect us to directly communicate with you. Information exchanged between us arising from our direct communication will not be shared with any third party, along with your Good River Print and Media account and transaction history. No third party has access to your information within our platform.
From time to time, we may share names, addresses, or other contact information with our business partners or other reliable third parties. The details they have collected are used to inform you about their products or their services. However, we do not share credit card information. Please get in touch with us if you wish us not to share your contact info.
In case of a merger or acquisition by another company, Good River Print and Media will share some or all information from the Author to continue providing our services. The disclosure stated in this Privacy Policy will be strictly followed by the new entity formed.
Non-personally identifiable information may also be shared by Good River Print and Media to third parties to help detect trends involving the use of our website and our services. Such information may include customer preferences, buying practices, and more.
If releasing a certain information concerning website activity is considered necessary to protect our rights and security, as well as those of our employees and customers, to comply with the law or to conform with the terms of our Agreement, Good River Print and Media may release such information.
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Good River Print and Media is an independent company dedicated to providing exceptional self-publishing and marketing services. We are not affiliated with any other companies.
If you receive any calls or emails from individuals or entities claiming to represent Good River Print and Media, please notify us immediately. Your vigilance helps us ensure the integrity of our services and the security of our clients.